
Bot tambang perfect world
Bot tambang perfect world

The script automates the selection of only the crystals (using OCR to detect the text), and avoids any players or other mobs. Best performed with a Duskblade since cooldowns on dashes is instant with kills, and picking drops requires melee range. There are some tunable factors that can be customized, like the number of coins to collect before triggering the deposit at banker. Some values are hardcoded for the screen resolution, so use the Position.py script to determine cursor position Set the second to the banker on the island Set the first auto rally point to somewhere on NightScream Island with crystals Win32gui (requires windows, can be substituted with some changes) Specifically works for the Epic Perfect World Server for farming bronze coins (at the NightScream Island), but targets can be modified to farm any mob and drops in the game. It uses OCR to interpret targets that are visible from the character pov. The script only interacts with keyboard and mouse inputs, and doesn't snoop with internal game memory like conventional bots. Scrappy script that automates attacking, collecting coins, and depositing automatically at the nearest banker.

Bot tambang perfect world